Whenever you obtain a brand new hosting account, your monthly payment is processed, the account is created and as automated as the entire process may be, there're always little things that are handled personally. For a virtual or a dedicated server there're even more tasks to be done because these types of web hosting usually require a manual setup, software installation & configuration, checking the server platform to guarantee that all things are working the way it should, and so on. To pay for the cost for the time and efforts all these duties take, many companies require a one-time installation charge to be paid by their customers on top of the price for the website hosting. The fee typically is valid for any new website hosting account being bought and it is very rarely given on the company’s site, yet it shows up on your checkout page.

Setup Fee in Website Hosting

Our company does not charge anything over the price of the Linux website hosting package that you choose, thus you will not need to pay any kind of set-up fees or any kind of costs different from what you've already found on our front page. We believe that being honest to our customers is of crucial importance for building a long-term business relationship, that's why we will never ask you to pay concealed charges of any sort, particularly for something that's almost entirely automatic and usually requires several min to be done by our system. You will not pay installation charges even when you purchase a number of accounts and they'll all be entirely active right away, which means that you're able to start creating your web sites. The full amount that you'll have to pay for all of our plans is the same that you see on the front page.

Setup Fee in Semi-dedicated Hosting

If you get a semi-dedicated server package from us, your initial payment will be exactly the same as all renewal payments for the subsequent months. We don't have any kind of installation costs, or any hidden charges of any sort, for that matter. We appreciate a business relationship based upon mutual trust much more than a few extra dollars, therefore even if you already have a shared website hosting plan here and you would like to relocate your content to a new semi-dedicated server, in order to enjoy a more powerful website hosting solution, we will do everything for you at no extra cost apart from the standard monthly charge for your new package. The creation of a semi-dedicated account is almost completely automated, that's why we consider that charging you anything for that would not be justified.

Setup Fee in VPS Hosting

If you get a virtual private server through our company, all you'll have to pay will be the standard monthly rate for the package you've picked and this particular cost will be exactly the same each month that you have the server. We do not have any sort of concealed or setup fees and we believe that building a long-lasting business relationship that is based on trust is more crucial than charging you a few additional dollars with some hidden charge that you don't see on the front page. We will build your virtual server and install its OS in addition to all the needed software applications completely free. When you get the VPS with our Hepsia website hosting Control Panel and you curently have a shared web hosting package here, we can even migrate all your content to the new server free of cost.

Setup Fee in Dedicated Web Hosting

With a dedicated server obtained from our company, you shall never find any concealed charges and you'll never need to pay any setup costs. The cost of the package you've chosen is displayed on our website and it is the one price that you will see on both the order and the payment pages. We think that getting a new client and developing a long-lasting relationship is more significant than asking you for some extra dollars, which means that we'll set up the machine, install all of the necessary software and test it absolutely free of charge. We'll even relocate all of your information completely free if you already have a shared hosting plan through our company and you would like to migrate to a dedicated server that is obtained with our Hepsia hosting Control Panel.