Support Channels

  • 1 hour ticket response time
  • A Sixty–Minute Support Ticket Response Time Guarantee

  • We offer a 1–hour response warranty for every support ticket or e–mail that you send to the customer care team. We will speedily answer all common enquiries and forward the case to our admins if any additional assistance is needed. If you order our Admin Services package, we’ll carry out any of the included server administration tasks at a time that has been discussed with you preliminary.

  • Top quality support service
  • A Top–Notch Tech Support Service

  • Our client support team will be available to you 24–7–365 if you need assistance while working with the Web Site Control Panel or with any of the applications that we preinstall for your convenience on the dedicated web hosting server. Furthermore if you need assistance tackling the daily administration tasks on your dedicated web hosting server, you can take a glimpse at our Admin Services package, that includes backup hard disk drive space, Operating System updates every week, troubleshooting and installation procedures, server monitoring and restarting services, etcetera.

  • Intuitive help center
  • An Easy–to–Navigate Help Area

  • Every Linux dedicated servers hosting package is fitted out with our free Web Site Control Panel, which features an exhaustive knowledgebase and a set of step–by–step video tutorials. Whenever you require assistance while working with the Web Site Control Panel, just hit the Videos or Help buttons in the upper right corner.