You'll find a lot of website hosting providers out there, still many of them are resellers that have minimal resources, particularly in terms of support. One way to distinguish them is the option to contact the company by phone. The level of support that you will receive via this particular channel of communication varies based on the provider - some provide experienced phone support, others offer common and customer support only because some issues are more time-consuming and it's much easier to be resolved with a support ticket, especially when the issue needs to be escalated. Still, it's good to know that you could always contact your hosting provider as there're a lot of small-scale problems that can be managed easily and in a timely manner with a telephone call, not mentioning that you will be able to get additional info about the services before you become a client.

Phone Support in Website Hosting

Our website hosting packages offer phone support fourteen hrs per day even on public holidays, which means that if you do not have an account yet, you are able to call us and learn more about our solutions or whether we will meet the system requirements for your websites. For your benefit, we have local telephone lines in the United States of America, Great Britain and Australia, so you can call the telephone number that is nearer to you. If you're a current customer, we can help you promptly with all the general and billing issues as well as with various tech issues in order to save you time and efforts - we acknowledge the fact that in some cases it is much easier talk to a live person and get things done without delay. Of course, some situations simply cannot be resolved over the phone, so in such a case you'll be able to take advantage of our ticketing system.

Phone Support in Semi-dedicated Hosting

We offer live phone support 14 hrs per day as a part of the support services for each semi-dedicated server package that we provide. As some issues are more complex and time-consuming, you will need to open a ticket if you experience such an issue, still for all of the billing, general or small-scale technical issues you can always call us and we'll assist you right away to save you the time you will have to spend on creating a ticket. Even if you do not have an account yet, you're able to find out if you can host your internet sites on our state-of-the-art cloud platform or you will be able to get any other general info on our semi-dedicated services. We have local phone numbers in the United States, the United Kingdom and Australia along with a worldwide number, so that you can call the one which is closer to where you are.