1 hour ticket response
Timely assistance is our topmost task and that is the reason why we’ve got a team of seasoned techs who will be happy to provide a prompt solution to any question that you may possibly have. Simply submit your trouble ticket from your Web Site Control Panel and we will reply within sixty minutes at the latest. In fact, we work hard and aim for a 20–minute trouble ticket response time.
A Top–Notch Client Care Service
Our customer support team representatives possess considerable experience in the Linux website hosting packages field and are skilled enough to supply a swift answer to your problem. If, however, the issue at hand is not within the competency of a customer service technician, the customer support ticket will be sent to a developer or system administrator for further assistance.
An Easy–to–Navigate Help Center
To help you find a quick suggestion on how to use a particular feature, we have incorporated a truly user–friendly Help section in your Web Site Control Panel. You can browse through an enormous collection of web hosting account administration articles and website management articles, examine our F.A.Q. library or check our how–to video tutorials.