What is Moodle?

Moodle can be depicted as an app for creating dynamic online courses. Created for supplying tutors the very best tools for articles presentation and learning examination purposes, it is now very popular among educators all over the world. Moodle is an open–source web app, which is developed by a substantial community throughout the world and that at this time serves close to 7 million e–learning sites and over one million lecturers.

Moodle can be used as a high school web site or even for a big college web site with thousands of clients. A variety of organizations use it as a system for conducting online courses. Moodle includes a great diversity of action modules (such as discussion forums, databases and wikis) for creating richly collaborative e–learning communities.

Moodle is a registered trademark of Martin Dougiamas and shares no connection with Maze Galaxy.

eLearning Linux Website Hosting Packages Services

By employing our eLearning Linux website hosting packages solution, you will have your e–learning site set up online with simply a click. You simply need to pick Moodle in the web application drop–down menu located on the sign–up form and we’ll configure your digital learning environment as soon as we prepare your web hosting account. This will give you the opportunity to begin working on your e–learning project right after the sign–up procedure is completed.

Every single eLearning Linux website hosting packages package is protected by a variety of service guarantees for the secure functioning of your online courses. Your account will be created 100% free and is going to incorporate a 99.9% uptime guarantee. Moreover, if you’re not content with our eLearning Linux website hosting packages service, you are able to make use of the 30–day money–back guarantee.

A Point & Click Web Site Control Panel

In order to make the administration of your Moodle educational portal easier, we have made our own customized Web Site Control Panel. It’s accessible in more than 10 languages and merges website administration and domain management in one place. It’s also made to live completely inside the cloud and supplies speed and protection much better than those offered by similar control panels.

The Control Panel is brimming with complimentary tools and bonuses. Together with the eLearning Linux website hosting packages plan, you can get Moodle installed automatically. By using our control panel, you’ll be able to set up any single one of more than 40 reliable applications for example Joomla and Wordpress with zero configuration required, because of Maze Galaxy’s Web App Installer. Furthermore, you can employ our own Web Accelerator Tools to drastically quicken your sites. Our Online Statistics Manager will begin working immediately, without the need to incorporate any sort of tracking code to your sites.